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Sunday, March 14, 2004

Friday...I was so moody all day. Why? Cuz my body just wouldn't consistently lose weight. I mean, I would lose weight but then I'd hit that plateau, which is expected. But I'd be on that plateau for like 3 weeks at a time. Arrgggh! However, this morning, I weighed myself. About damn time! A total of 15 lbs. Yay! I gotta lose some more...LOTS more before I hit the big 3-0! (This summer.)

I is the vee what RT said in his blog on Friday, I believe. He said that from our 9/11 tragic event to Madrid's tragedy on 3/11 is a total of 911 days. Gosh, isn't that freaky? Was that like planned or just a coincidence? I ride the Metro daily to work. I was thinking stuff...like, it could have been NYC or DC. I mean...there is no metal detector in the Metro. So, really, anyone can walk into the Metro with anything on them and no one would be the wiser. I don't really see any security on those outside tracks that lead to the underground tunnel. Mitch said that he's sure they have cameras posted outside. Somehow, that's not comforting to me. My, have these events caused me to become pessimistic or paranoid? I hope not. Life moves on.

Friday night, I finally had that long overdue talk with Clitch. It felt good to have that dealt with, put it aside and move on. I always like it when the gang get together and just talk about different things. Sometimes, we just end up "veeing" things. For example, Kitch, Mitch, Clitch and I were in the cat room, our affectionate name for the guest room. Kitch wanted to watch some music videos. So, we tuned it. And VEE this video. The background was like that of an old scary movie in black and white. This male zombie was "chasing" this lady. You know how it is...the lady is just screaming her head off and not moving. She's upstairs and in a corner room and is trying to open a door...a closet door? Who knows? The zombie gets her and drags her outside. Somehow, he stops and lets her go. She flees for a second and then stops. She turns around and looks at him. She returns to him. Then, he bends over to her head as if he was gonna kiss her on the top. But instead, he bites a chuck of hair and scalp off of her. And she becomes a zombie. Both walk off in a zombie style. I was like...wtf? I wasn't paying attention to the captions but if I had to guess...it was a song about love. You know...you meet someone and you become a part of his/her world or you become one with the other. I would have to watch that music video again.

Saturday, we all got up and went to CMRA meeting. It was good...a good number of people showed up and we had a productive meeting. Short and simple. After that, Kitch, Mitch, Clitch, Witch and I went to 14th street to explore some stores. These stores were obviously gay-owned or gay-friendly. Cute stuff, here and there. Then went into a few furniture or home stores. There were lots of stuff that Kitch and I were talking about for our future home. There was this one centerpiece that I wanted for the dining room table. Kitch like it, except one detail. I was like...oh no no no, we're gonna buy that and put it on the table. And he was like...ewww! Sigh...
Kitch and I came home afterwards. We were supposed to meet with our landlord/friend and his guests to play games. We all love to play games! But somehow, his guest was rude about the whole thing. Originally, she was supposed to show up at 2pm, along with her friend. However, she and her friend went shopping here and there and then went out to a restaurant. Our poor landlord, he just stayed home with his kids, just so that when they arrive, he'll be home and keep them company, until we all meet to play games. If they had decided not to come, they should have told him and I'm sure he would have left the house to do other things. Gosh, don't you just hate wasting the day when your friends don't show up as planned? I would have been pissed off! Anyways, they told him that they would page him after dinner to decide if they were coming or not. I told him, via pager, to ask them bluntly if they're coming or not. I mean, really, quit bullshitting! Yet, they never followed up. Of course, it wasn't like we were surprised they weren't coming over, after all. Nonetheless, we 3 had a good time, playing Euchre and Tri-Bond and Five Crowns.

Today, I'm officially sick. Yuck! I thought I was getting allergies for the past few days. But this morning, after blowing my nose, I knew that I was now sick. So, it's soup slurping, cough drop popping, syrup drinking, nose blowing, whining and bitching time. God, isn't that fun? But I hope I will get over this soon. I have to have my wisdom tooth or teeth pulled out soon. Can't be sick for surgery or the dr. ain't gonna work on me. Damn this wishy-washy weather!

Ta ta!
