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Friday, March 26, 2004

Whooo...I may have not been in the mood to work, yesterday, but I sure was put to work, like a dog. Dinna eat lunch til about almost 4. Dang! After work, Kitch and I went to have dinner with our landlord/friend at Ruby Tuesday's. Haven't been to that restaurant in ages. I think it was because they used to served small loaves of bread in a basket, while you were waiting for your orders. But, they stopped that long time ago. And Kitch was like...fuck that, I'm going elsewhere! *snap* Whoa, baby! I like it when you get bitchy! Turns me on! ;-) Woof, woof!

Anyways, I was impressed with Ruby Tuesday's. They have a good number of selections for those on the Atkins or South Beach diets. We had a burger with wraps. Very delicious! Now, why didn't we think of that before? So, we're excited cuz now we know what to have with our burgers in the summer. Kitch and I love to have our meats grilled! Isn't summer great?!?!?

Thank God today is Friday! It'll be even more wonderful when the clock strikes at 5:30. Yay! No work for 2 days! Yay! Yay!

Tonight, Kitch and I will go watch the Gallaudet Dance Company. Hope to see our crazy friends there. Hopefully, it'll be a good show. Tara Miles is still dancing all through these years. The Wild Zappers...they better have some new dance shows! If not...I'll be like "oh no no no...out of order!"

As some of you may know, Kitch and I love to watch these animal shows on cable. Especially those "animal cops" shows...such as Animal Precinct, based in NYC and Animal Cops (I think that's the name) in Houston, also in Detroit. Shit! Why do people mistreat their animals?!?!?!? WTF?!?! If you can't take care of your animals or don't have time for them or can't afford to feed them, why do you still have them? Call the local SPCA and turn them in. They will put them up for adoption, unless they're sick with some incurable disease or something else.

OMG. We saw this one show recently. This guy, wanting to make his dashund (sp?) tough and mean, hit his dog with a hammer...3 times! The result? The dog didn't turn out to be mean. The dog lost his fucking right eye! OMG! If I saw someone did that to a dog, shit...I'm afraid I'd be beating him with a hammer. "How'd you like that, mofo?!?"

However, there's something else that put humans to shame. Animals are very forgiving. This dog, that lost his eye, was still friendly to people. Tail wagging. No fear. Just being his playful self. Was even adopted by a lady. Dang! Animals are forgiving.

Tess! Welcome to the blogging world. Look forward to read some really juicy details of your life! heh

What is it about humans that just love to be voyeurs? Is it natural? Is it just plain ol' curiousity? I mean...most of love to read other people's blogs. What? To see if it's more interesting or to see how fucked up that person's life is? I don't mean it in a negative way but why are we voyeurs? Does it excite us? Not just blogs, but like...sex, accidents, reality shows, etc. Sex...we just can't look away from it. I'm sure if you caught someone having sex (with oneself, anothe person or an orgy), you would be like "hey, guys...come here, now! Look, look!" *gasp* We all love to feign disgust but hell, admit it....you are soooo turned on! Accidents or crime scenes are no different. No wonder there are traffic jams when there's an accident on the highway and EVERYONE just HAVE to LOOK. It's not like y'all have never seen an accident before. And as soon as you pass by the accident site....the traffic jams are no more. What is up with that? Ya know... Crime scenes...we just have to look. We just have to be right up in the face of origins. No wonder cops are posted to set up a boundary...regardless of the yellow tape. Reality shows...gosh, they're so popular. Yeah, you may say....ewww, I don't watch those. Buuuuullshit! You know you flip the channels and you see a reality show and just have to watch a couple minutes of it. And then you're like..."oh, my God...the drama!" We all are peeping Toms! We're just curious by nature. Just don't be like that unlucky cat...

ta ta
