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Monday, April 12, 2004

Recently, during our lunch hour, KT and I were walking on treadmills in the gym. I was watching some news channel. There is talk of a proposal, in England, to hike health insurance rates for those who are overweight and obese. Right now, it's an epidemic occuring in the Americas and Europe. It is a concern for those in the health fields. I believe the recent stats for US is that 64% of Americans are overweight/obese. While in England, 1 in 5 is overweight/obese. The reason for the hike is that they say overweight and obese people are candidates for health risks than those within their normal weight ranges.

Well, I can understand that but it can also be misleading. Obesity...health risks...sure, that's understandable. I guess what I'm saying is that everyone have health risks. Diabetes isn't just for fat people. Heart problems...just about anyone can get them.

I told KT that it's not really fair, in a way...although, I do understand their intentions. I mean, generally, we know that females tend to have more health problems than males. Females make up the majority of patients visiting the doctors/hospitals. I asked KT, how would females like it if the health insurance companies told them, "since you're a female and generally tend to have more health risks than males, we'll have to charge you more for insurance." I'm sure you wouldn't like it one bit.

Although, I can understand why they would want to charge more for obese people. It should be an incentive (if you will) for overweight people to lose weight...to avoid paying that higher rate for insurance. Will that work? Who knows...

As you may know, there are airlines (well, one that I know of) that will charge an overweight person for 2 seats. I mean, you can't really blame them. Usually, in the coach section, there are 3 seats, in a row, on each side. So, if you were sitting next to an overweight person, and you're assigned the middle seat. Believe me, you would not be comfortable as you don't have the whole seat to yourself. So...fair to charge that big person 2 seats?

I'll have to review the ADA federal law. I'm not sure if obesity has been put into the ADA or there was an effort to include obesity in the ADA law. Yeah, I read something, a long time ago, that obese people consider their obesity a disability. Their reason is that they're often passed over for jobs, promotions, seatings, clothing selections, etc.

Medically, I'm considered obese. (Those of you who say I'm not....awww, y'all are so nice! Flattery does get you somewhere. heh) I believe that if you're 20 lbs over your ideal weight, you're considered medically obese. Overweight if you're between your ideal weight and obesity point.

So, KT and I have been working on our weight. So far, it's been good...with some struggles. But it's nice to have someone to buddy up with you during this challenging journey. But...we're getting there!

I think it's so funny (in a way) that it's so easy to gain weight but so hard to lose it. WTF! Ya know...

For those of you struggling with weight and really want to lose weight...I wish you the best of luck! It can be done. You just need a good support buddy or group and a positive attitude. Try all options! Be reasonable! Don't punish yourself too hard! Mistakes are bound to happen! Keep going!

ta ta
