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Friday, August 06, 2004

Birthdays & Congrats! 

A big "Happy Birthday" to Kenny! Dude, hope you'll have a fantastic celebration with your friends.

Speaking of birthdays, dunno when, a fellow Leo, Tomas G.'s birthday is...but Happy Early/Belated Birthday!

I thought that CK and Allison were getting married tomorrow but according to someone's blog, they're getting married today. Regardless of when, I'd like to extend a congratulations to them for tying the knot!

Tonight is DPHH, which will be held at The Reef in Adams Morgan. Cookie and her hubby, Isaac will be there. I can't wait to see Cookie once again. It's been a good 2 or 3 years since I've last seen Cookie.

I'll be going to Rehoboth Beach tomorrow. Not sure who will join me yet...either Cliff or KT. KT isn't in the mood to go. Cliff is supposed to join me. At this point, it's iffy. If Cliff doesn't go, then KT will go to keep me company. KT and I usually go for a long weekend but this year it's different. I'm only going because I'm on a committee (lesson learned: don't join a committee that involves a beach) and hafta go and fulfill a duty.

Anyways, TGIF! ta ta for now...
