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Monday, August 09, 2004

Future Careers of Deafies? 

I was reading Meryl's blog for today's entry. Her entry was about a session about computers and medicine working together. In this specific session, it was abotu cochlear implants and medicine working together to provide some degree of "treatments" towards deafness, if not a total cure.

I couldn't help but wonder if, in the future, jobs will be requiring Deaf people to acquire cochlear implants or hearing aids in order to land a position within a company. You might think...how ridiculous! Yet, according to Thomas (see 7/29/04's entry) and his wife's blogs, he has to wear a hearing aid if he wants to work for TSD (Texas School for the Deaf).
Although, this particular position (bus driver) might be seen as an exception. Some people have said that drivers need to be able to hear students if in trouble, having medical problems, etc. Also, need to be able to hear emergency vehicles, such as ambulances and firetrucks. I dunno, what do you guys think?

So, will jobs in the future require Deafies to obtain hearing aids or cochlear implants? I dunno if I wanna know or not...
