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Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Kelby and JP... 

I got this blogsite from Deaf Blawg, a blogsite, based in the UK, with a focus on Deafies in the legal field and any legal issues that affect Deafies.

Not too long ago that Kelby (a Deaf lawyer and Director of the Legal Information Center at NAD) and JP suffered a loss. Their house was burned down, which of course, lost all their personal stuff. It was later investigated that arson was the cause.

Anyways, they have set up a blog to inform everyone of their progress and how things have been going for them. If you can help out in any way, I'm sure they will appreciate it.

I just can't imagine losing a house to a fire, especially if the cause was arson. All those memories (such as photos) are gone and irreplaceable. Yeah, we all know that having your loved ones alive are more important than stuff. It's just a matter of starting all over, from scratch.

That arson thing...I wonder if it's that guy who has been setting fire in the DC metro area for almost 2 years and still hasn't been caught.
