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Friday, September 24, 2004

Terri Schiavo 

Ok, I know this issue will spark some debates.

I'm sure you've heard about Terri Schiavo from time to time. If you don't or not sure...you can go to this site and get your memory refreshed about her.

Abstract Appeal

Basically, Terri Schiavo suffered a potassium imbalance/cardiac arrest in February 1990. Since then, she has never regained consiousness. Over time, her brain has deteriorated, due to the lack of oxygen. She's basically a vegetable...a more correct term is that she's in a persistent vegetative state. She's only alive to this day because she's hooked on a feeding tube. Doctors have said that medicine, at this point, will not, in any way, revive her. It would have to be a miracle from God to bring her out of this vegetative state. (You'll have to read the site above. It's really detailed.)

At some point, her husband, Michael, decided to have the feeding tube removed. (This isn't like pulling the plug, where the patient would die within minutes. Removing the tube would starve Terri to death, which could be a horrible death.) However, Terri's parents have petitioned the courts to have the feeding tube remain...simply because they believe that Terri responds to certain stimulation.

Anyways, Michael and Terri's parents, the Schindlers, have fought each other in the courtrooms. Even Jeb Bush has gotten involved. As stated in the Washington Post Express, by Jackie Hallifax (AP):

"As early as 2000, lower courts had ruled that Michael Schiavo could have his wife's feeding tube removed. But last October, the Legislature passed "Terri's Law" to override the courts, and [Jeb] Bush quickly invoked it to order the tube reinserted, six days after it had been withdrawn."

Anyways, it really isn't so cut and dry. The Schindlers are suspicious about Michael and his motives. In January 1993, Michael sued the doctors for medical malpratice and can collect the reminder of the $1 million dollars, after Terri's death. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

I have read and heard stories about how hard it is to pull the plug on a loved one. I just cannot imagine what I'd do if I was in that situation. Most of us have a hard time to finally accept the fact we'd have to euthanize our beloved pets, due to some medical conditions. Imagine how much harder it is for a human to another human.

Yeah, one thing that would've solved this whole thing is if Terri had made a living will. She was only 26 years old when she had that cardiac arrest. Most of us think...we're young and needless to write up a will or living will. Hey, you just never know when your number is up.

It wasn't until 1998 that Michael decided that it was time to pull the feeding tube from Terri. That's when the parents stepped in. While I can only imagine how hard it is to lose a child, regardless of age, I think the responsibility is solely Michael's to decide what is best for his wife. He claimed that the couple once had a discussion about their life and death situation and that Terri said that she didn't want any life-prolonging procedures.
Like I said earlier, this isn't just pulling the plug, once the feeding tube is removed, Terri will starve to death. So, that's even harder to just stand there and watch her suffer to death. (This really hits a nerve with me because my mother died in a similar way, although she did not need a feeding tube.)

If you were in Michael's situation, what would you do? If you were Terri, what would you hope to be done to you? If you were the Schindlers, what would you do? As for me, I think she should go...regardless of how hard it will be to see her die. It's been over 10 years and she isn't improving. She really doesn't have a brain anymore.

Below are several sites which you can follow up on Terri Schiavo:

Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation

A Catholic View on Vegetative State

Pro-Life Group React

Schiavo v. Bush

If anything, be sure to compose a living will to ease the burdens of your family...should anything happen to you.
