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Friday, September 24, 2004

What Else is Gonna Happen? 

Yesterday, after KT and I arrived to Gally for our morning class, I realized that I had left behind my mini-videocassette at home. I needed it because it was a project due for my evening class. On Thursdays, we park our car on campus, go to our morning class, then zoom to work for the remainder of the afternoon. After work, we zoom back to Gally for our night class. So, because I forgot my tape, I had to email work that I wasn't gonna come in. So after class and a lecture about Nicaraguan Sign Language (boring!), I took the car and drove home to retrieve the tape.

Got home and heated up some leftovers for lunch. Checked my email and chatted a bit with KT online. When it was time to head back to Gally, so I could review articles before the night class, I got in the car. What happened? The car would not start! Nothing! Silence. Arrrggghhhhhh! I was thinking...omg, I must've left on a light or something. I'm looking around and I don't detect anything that was left on but should've been off. So, I figured it must be the battery. So, I paged a couple of people to see if they could come and jumpstart the car.
Jon replied and said he could help out. So, he drove up and hooked up the cables. After some time, I turned on the car. NOTHING! I'm like...whatthefuck! Waited a few more minutes and tried again. NOTHING! I told KT, via pager...the car is dead!
I was frustrated and told myself to not get upset and then start annoying someone else, usually KT. Told myself...remain calm and just accept that it happens and that it usally happens at the wrong time! Well, at least Jon was heading to Gallaudet to pick up his daughter from CDC. So, I locked the car and joined him to Gallaudet.
That night, KT and I left class earlier than usual so we could go and buy a new batter and install it ourselves. Well, me just held the flashlight, while KT did the whole thing. After we bought the battery, we headed home. I was like all excited because I was thinking...this is a piece of cake. Thank God that KT knows what the heck he's doing. I'm such a sissy when it comes to cars. Ok, I know how to change a tire, put in gas, check and change oil and jumpstart the car. (Thanks to Dad for dragging me out to the garage to teach me a few stuff, even though I didn't wanna.) But that's all I know! Anything else, I would've brought the car to the mechanics and let them do it. Yeah, I know that I'd be paying extra money for labor but hell-o, I'm a sissy!
Anyways, we popped the hood and got to work. KT was able to remove the bolt that was screwed into the negative (-) side. Yay! Then, he looked at the positive (+) side and noticed that the bolt was corroded. He tried repeatedly to remove it but to no avail. Then, I tried! Nothing. It was too corroded. Bluish powder all over the place. So, tonight or tomorrow we'd be heading back to the auto store and get some new parts.

The point is like something is always coming up and usually require having to spend money. Hmmmph! Best of all, we didn't let this situation get us upset and then throw it on each other. We were like...it happens and it sucks...but that's life. At least, we weren't in the middle of nowhere, under a scorching sun...
