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Monday, October 11, 2004

Christopher Reeve... 

Christopher Reeves passed away on Sunday. He was 52 years old. He was famous for his role as Clark Kent/Superman.

He became paralyzed, from neck down, in 1995, due to a horse-racing accident. He set up Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, which has generated more than $22 million dollars towards paralysis research.

All I can say is that he was a brave man to continue living. He had admitted, in an interview with Barbara Walters, that he thought about pulling the plug. (Reeve could not breathe on his own.)

I remember growing up and watching the Superman movies. I used to think he was sexy, along with Tom Selleck.

Well, Christopher, you've done your part here on Earth. Now, you rest in peace. Adios.

photo by Christopher Reeve Homepage

P.S. - It's really eerie that Ridor mentioned about Reeve when Petru died, not too long ago. Ridor mentioned that it was a good thing that Petru died, after falling down a flight of stairs. Because if Petru had lived, he might've been paralyzed from the neck down. Being Deaf and needing hands to sign, it would certainly have been hell for Petru when it comes to communication.

(I was gonna add a P.P.S here but realized that, at this point, it would've been a rumor. I'll hold until I get some facts before posting.)
