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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Bush's People Are Resigning... 

(AP & Reuters, respectively)

Hmm...these last few days, people in the Bush Administration have been turning in their resignations, such as Ashcroft and even 2 top CIA officers. (Or are they being forced to?) The biggest news was Colin Powell, Secretary of State, turning in his notice of resignation. Even bigger news that Condoleezza Rice, the current National Security Advisor, will be named as the new replacement.

The Washington Post has said that Rice is more hawkish than Powell. Hmm, it shall be interesting to see who will be taking up the new positions and see how the nation will be run and policies to be made and enforced.

A seperate news...

A man set himself on fire near the White House, while yelling "Allah Allah!" The Secret Service were able to douse the fire and save the man. However, the man now has over 30% burns on his body.

Ok, I may be disappointed with the recent election results but I'm not gonna go out and do something extreme, like that man who committed suicide at Ground Zero and now this man, who set himself on fire. OoooooK!

ta ta...
