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Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Cheryl Jacques, the executive director of HRC, Human Rights Campaign, suddenly resigned from her post, which she has had for less than a year. Apparently, her leadership styles clashed with the Board. Not only that but if you'll read the article, you can see hints here and there that there were other issues as well, like she probably didn't have a thick skin to deal with criticism and not having enough gay experiences, etc. So, who will be the next director?

Kweisi Mfume, president of NAACP, also resigned from his position. He cited his reason that he wanted to spend more time with his family, especially with his 14 y/o son.

Tom Ridge, Secretary of Homeland Security, has submitted his resignation. He will always be remembered for the color chart system, which has received heavy criticism. He is the 7th Cabinet member of the Bush Administration to have resigned from their posts.

On a separate issue...

A few days old, but vee! Last week Thursday, in Ukraine, an interpreter, Natalia Dimitruk, started to sign differently than what the Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich was saying in his victory speech. Instead, she was signing her personal opinions about the new PM and was basically saying that everything was a lie.
Who knows what was done to her? Even she wondered because she said "I do not know if you will see me again."
Talk about a breach of the Code of Ethics for interpreters. Of course, who knows if Ukrainian interpreters even have a COE to abide by. I'd like to say that the American interpreters follow the COE faithfully but I know that's not true. Some interpreters and even agencies have been lax about following protocols. In some ways I like the COE and some ways I don't. I guess you could call it a love-hate relationship.

Quote of the Day:

"I want to thank the Canadian people who came out to wave, with all five fingers."
--President George W. Bush

LOL! Obviously, some Canadians greeted him with the middle finger.

ta ta...
