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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Behave, MJ! 

Ah, there were some big news yesterday. I think the biggest of them all was the trial/verdict of Michael Jackson. He's been found not guilty on all 10 charges. There were mixed reactions but I'm glad that there were no riots initiated.

All in all, I just think that MJ need to stop having young boys coming over and sleep in his bed with him. Period!


Another news is that there are now more than 1,000,000 Americans living with HIV. According to some sources, this is both good and bad news. Wanna know why? Click here.

A friend of mine who works with HIV testing and counseling told me something chilling after reading this article. Said that if people don't wake up and start protecting themselves and use common sense, then it won't be long before 75% of America will be infected with HIV.

Talk about a mass death wish.


I'm currently reading this book by Larry Kramer. He's a long time gay activist, who has been loved and hated by various gay communities. The older gays have rejected him. The younger queers are looking up and embracing him.

I'm gonna read it and see if I liked it or not.

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Cliffie hung out with us last night and will do so again tonight. So nice to spend time with your best friend, isn't it?

The bitch bought Faggots, another book by Larry Kramer. I wanted to check out that book. So, he's gonna get me a copy and I got him the book above.

We saw some movie, starring Joey Lawrence, Do You Wanna Know a Secret? Ugh! Don't bother watching it. You would enjoy a story plot from a porno than from this movie. Just cheap, cheap, cheap!

Then, Cliff never saw Spirited Away. So, watched that.


It's been so hot lately that DC schools have been cancelling classes to let students go home. Some of the schools don't even have air conditioning! It's supposed to get cooler over the weekend, starting Thursday. Oh, I hope so!!!

ta ta for now...
